COVID-19 what now?

Don't panic! It is true that the way has changed is that we used to organize events, there are new restrictions, hygiene and safety measures and hygiene protocols. But from El Portal de l'Eixample we make everything available to our clients so that when it comes to organizing an event it is done in the safest possible way. And we also give you some tips with creative ideas to make this new situation more pleasant.

Organizing events in COVID19 times

- Space between guests. We all know that seating is limited and changes are made according to the measures taken by the government. Don't worry! We help you design your event so that there are no problems in maintaining safety distances. Therefore, we will propose ideas and examples of how to effectively distribute the venue so that there is no problem. But if you want to give it a creative touch we recommend you to decorate the venue through personalized screens that delimit the space, for example screens with floral elements, artistic screens designed by some artist, or why not, photographic posters... Look for the alternative that best suits your event!

- Hydroalcoholic gels. From El Portal we make sure that there is no lack of hydroalcoholic gels that will be distributed throughout the venue and throughout the event. However, if you want to do something different at the event, a good idea could be to customize COVID-Free packs with an attractive and/or corporate design that includes gel, mask, gloves...

- Mask required. We already know that masks are mandatory both in open and closed places. That is why events in our space will also follow the same rules as in restaurants. As long as guests are eating, they will be able to do without it, but for anything else (moving around the room, going to the toilet or for events that do not require food and/or drink) it will be essential to have it. As we mentioned in the previous section, there are many companies that are responsible for customizing masks as in Olivia Lupita that have different and original models and all have TNT filters. We encourage you to give a fun touch to your event, whatever type it is: wedding, corporate, a meeting ... because as they say in Redbubble : it covers your face but not your personality.

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We are back! Let’s take stock…


Meeting styles